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McDonald family donation

Tom McDonald, on behalf of the McDonald family, honor their father with a donation in his memory.

Grateful for Family

Like many families, the McDonald’s first approached Insight Memory Care with trepidation. Tom and his brother had noticed some changes in their dad, Bill, that seemed beyond normal aging. After several doctors’ visits, he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. On one hand it was a relief to know what was going on with their dad, but on the other, it mostly meant a whole new journey in front of them.

Bill was hesitant to come to Insight at first. The family met with Rodney and Kennedy, the early stage program staff at the time, and Bill signed up for a trial day. He wanted to know how soon he could come back.

“Insight feels like a family."

Encouraged by his dad’s excitement for the group, Tom began attending the classes and support groups Insight offers for care partners. He felt connected right from the beginning. Staff members greeted them both by name, and truly wanted to know how they were doing. He shared with his support group, “Insight feels like a family.” Everyone replied that “It IS a family.”

Bill attended the early stage program for over a year until the COVID crisis began. He tried the virtual programs offered, but found it a little difficult to adapt to so many faces on the screen. Staff set up one-on-one calls with him to keep him engaged in the group. As the disease progressed, he eventually transitioned into the Day Center, where he found new ways to stay engaged with others in the Insight family. Tom continued his active participation in our care partner programs, learning all he could from classes and bootcamps, and sharing with other care partners on a similar journey.

“If I can help someone starting out on this journey, that would be one of the greatest ways to honor my father.”

Sadly, Bill passed away at the end of 2021. Tom recently shared, “even after my father’s passing, I have still been welcomed back just like a family.” He still attends support groups and Insight gatherings. He continues, “If I can help someone starting out on this journey, that would be one of the greatest ways to honor my father.”

We have been grateful for their whole family’s continued involvement with Insight. Tom is volunteering, now specifically welcoming new families at care partner meet-ups to make sure everyone feels comfortable and included. The whole family feels their investment is worthwhile. The McDonald’s have recently made a very generous donation, knowing their gift will support many more care partners and participants in the future as they navigate their journey with dementia.

Insight has been honored to be a part of the McDonald’s journey, and even more grateful to call them family.






"I like that IMCC focuses on dementia-related problems and provides a focal point for families to network and socially interact in coping with dementia. It provides a community that helps us in our struggle."